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来源:南宁晚报     2007-6-21 15:04:00
     落选法国总统的明星女政客罗雅尔于18日对外宣布,由于情人弗朗索瓦·奥朗德在外有了第三者,她已经与共同生活了将近30年的他正式分手,更将这位昔日情人“赶出”家门。日前,法国媒体惊爆,这位让奥朗德“神魂颠倒”的“外遇”竟是法国权威潮流杂志《Paris Match》的时政女记者。不过,让人惊讶的是,法国民众似乎对奥朗德的同情远远大于受害者罗雅尔。



    Segolene Royal announced on Monday that her partner Francois Hollande had moved out of their home. And now Royal has made it clear that she wants to take over his job as general secretary of the Socialist party - even though Hollande has said he will not leave the post until 2008.


    The French are usually sniffily ambivalent about the detail of romantic disputes among public figures.But this particular break-up has caused extraordinary interest as the French people gaze at the wreckage of the golden couple of Left-wing French politics. Not least because Hollande is rumoured to have been having an affair with a political journalist. Royal herself alludes to the liaison in a book out on June 20th.

    据至少两个法国政治网站曝光,这名女子名为瓦莱丽·特里尔韦勒。她受雇于法国潮流周刊杂志《Paris Match》,是该杂志的时政女记者,而她做报道的对象不是别人,正是法国社会党,这也包括了对奥朗德的人物描写。在长期的工作接触里,他们逐渐产生了感情。该事件发生后,她当时报道的客观性让人产生质疑。

    At least two of France's political websites have named the other woman as Valèrie Trierweiler. Since Trierweiler is employed by the glossy weekly Paris Match to report on none other than France's Parti Socialiste, and has written profiles on Hollande.They fell in love during the long interview working.Her objectivity is being called into question.



    And the extraordinary thing is that, despite his apparent misdemeanours, many are sympathising not with Segolene, but with Hollande. Once described in his country that Hollande may sometimes seem dull and selfimportant, especially when compared with the vivacious Royal.But he deserves some compassion for having endured the most exacting of relationships with the ambitious Segolene.


    In a society that often forgives men who wander more readily than women who neglect their traditional role, Royal - for all her womanly charms - is now perceived as curiously unfeminine. She may have four children ranging in age from 14 to 22, but critics say that despite the lipstick and well-turned heel, she has few wifely or maternal qualities.


    Some leading socialists are openly saying that their party's prospects have been gravely damaged by the disintegration of relations between Royal and Hollande. (倩 子)

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