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来源:中国日报     2007-7-4 17:15:00
    Jo: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Jo.
Jean: And I’m Jean.

Jo: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Jean: 在我们的《地道英语》Real English节目中,我们会学到一些现代英国英语的新词汇和新说法。

Jo: Today’s expression is ‘big-headed’.

Jean: So what does it mean?

Jo: I’ll explain – big-headed is an expression meaning arrogant.

Jean: 原来big-headed就是形容某人傲慢自大的意思。So Jo, could you give me an example?

Jo: Of course. Big-headed is an adjective. If you know someone who is very arrogant, you might say ‘I don’t like him. He’s really big-headed’.

Jean: 就是说他真是特别的妄自尊大。Can you use it all the time, Jo?

Jo: Well, you should be careful, because it is a negative thing to say about someone. A person would be very upset, or even angry, if you said ‘You are very big-headed’ to them.

Jean: 那看来big-headed可是个贬义词,我们在使用的时候一定要注意分寸。


A: You met David Beckham? What was he like?

B: Really nice. He wasn’t big-headed like some famous people. He was really normal.

Jean: Do you like big-headed people, Jo?

Jo: No, of course not. It’s a very unattractive thing, I think. Big-headed people are really boring. They just talk about themselves and tell you how great they are all the time.

Jean: Yes, it’s very boring. Fortunately I don’t meet too many people like that.

Jo: But do you think people think you’re big-headed?

Jean: What? I hope not! You don’t think I’m big-headed, do you?

Jo: Of course not, Jean. Don’t be so sensitive.

Jean: 嗯好吧,让我们再来复习一下– big-headed – 就是形容某人傲慢自大。Well, it looks like we are out of time.

Jo: Yes, that’s all we have time for. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Jean: See you next time.
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