When we say a body, we mean a whole person or animal. But the word may just refer to the trunk of the body, without the head, arms and legs.
有些人相信,人不但有躯体也有灵魂存在。Little bodies may have great souls, 这句谚语,你知道是什么意思吗?这句话是“人小志气大”的意思!
The shoulders can bear heavy things. Your father has a great responsibility for the family on his shoulder.
有困难时,一家人就应该stand shoulder to shoulder,也就是“肩并肩,同心协力”的意思。我们也会常说,你可不要对人家turn a cold shoulder,也不要对自己的朋友give the cold shoulder,这两则短语的意思都是不理睬或是冷落对方的意思。
Put the idiom on one’s chest (心中有事,闷闷不乐) into Chinese, and you will see for the word chest, the Chinese equivalent is a word meaning “heart”. If something is on your chest, you had better get it off your chest (倾吐心事)。
Chest还可以指大箱子、大柜子等。比如说,a chest of drawers就是放衣服的五斗柜。不过可不能一概而论,像community chest就不是指箱子或是柜子了,它是指用于慈善事业的社区基金。
We feel hungry more or less at the same time of the day. It sees as if there were an inner clock in our body. So we have this saying: “The belly is the truest clock.(肚子是最精确的时钟)”。
那么,a beer belly是什么呢?那是啤酒喝得太多而弄成的“啤酒肚”。你的外衣或衬衫有的时候会掉钮扣 (button), belly button是不是也会掉呢?当然不会!因为它指的是肚脐。
A mother often holds her baby in her lap. You no longer sit on the lap of your mother now.
虽然你现在不再坐在妈妈的腿上了,不过你却有可能经常in the lap of fortune, 如果是这样那可是好事情,因为这个意思是说,你时常好运当头。另一方面,to live in the lap of luxury (过着奢华的生活) 却不一定是件好事。因为在这种条件下,你不见得能成长为一个坚强的人。如果真是这样,你的前途就可能会in the lap of the gods (听命运安排),因为你不可能闯出一番事业。
to convey the idea “from head to foot”. English people can say from top to toe. But Chinese people don’t.
有的人走路“八字脚”(turn one’s toes out),有的人走路却是“入字脚”(turn one’s toes in). 呵呵,你是其中一种吗?面对危险时,我们必须保持警觉,随时准备行动。换句话说,我们必须be on our toes (保持警惕)。
简单的几个词汇自然不能涵概英文的全部内容,但只要你从开卷中找到乐趣,那就是收获。 |