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来源:世界新闻网     2007-6-22 15:22:00
     句子組合(sentence combining)的目的,就是把一些短句或「支離破碎」的句子(short and choppy sentence)連接起來,使句子更好,更有連貫性。

(1)把簡單型(simple form)的主詞、動詞、受詞或補助語連接起來,成為結合型(compound form):

Mr. Wang is applying for this position.
Mr. Lee is also applying for this position.
Mr. Wang and Mr. Lee are both applying for this position.
(把Mr. Wang和Mr. Lee用and連接,成為結合主詞。)

My wife read the book for an hour last night.
She also wrote a letter.
In addition, she cooked a nice dinner.
Last night my wife read the book for an hour wrote a letter and cooked a nice dinner.
(由於主詞相同,所以可把三個動詞read, wrote和cooked,加逗號,用and 連接,成結合動詞。)

The school gave Mr. Chang extra credits for field work.
Mr. Lee was given extra credits as well.
The school gave Mr. Chang and Mr. Lee extra credits for field work.
(先把第二句的被動was given改為主動後,再把間接受詞Mr. Chang和Mr. Lee連接起來。)

The old man sat at a roadside stand.
He sold vegetables to passing drivers.
The old man sat at a roadside stand and sold vegetables to passing drivers.

I painted the house.
My wife painted the back fence.
My wife and I painted the house and the back fence.
(把直接受詞house和fence用and連接,成為結合受詞。)(為了禮貌,要把別人放在前面,不說:I and my wife…)

Mr. A called Mr. B a scholar.
He also called Mr. B a philanthropist.
Finally, Mr. A called Mr. B a wonderful man.
Mr. A called Mr. B a scholar, a philanthropist and a wonderful man.
(把受詞補助語scholar, philanthropist和wonderful man 用comma 分開,再用and連成一個簡單句。在and的前面,通常不加comma。)

The college library cost five million dollars.
It took five years to complete.
The college library cost five million dollars and took five years to complete.

Mr. Chen will bring a camcorder for the party.
One of his friends will also bring a camcorder for the party.
Both Mr. Chen and one of his friends will bring camcorders for the party.

The faculty members elected John(as the)chairperson.
They also named Bob(as the)secretary.
The faculty members elected John chairperson and Bob secretary.
(動詞elected和named意義相似,故可省去一個。把受詞補助語chairperson和secretary用and連接起來。如把「as the」省去,就表示主席和祕書只是一種「office」的工作而已。)

In the fitting room, Mary tried on the swimsuit.
She looked in the full-length mirror.
She then smiled.
In the fitting room, Mary tried on the swimsuit, looked in the full-length mirror and smiled.

Mr. Wang\'s article stressed the terrible working condition in some of the Chinese factories.
It also described the cramped housing in Chinatown.
Finally, it pointed out the filthy environment there.
Mr. Wang\'s article stressed the terrible working condition in some of the Chinese factories and described the cramped housing and filthy environment in Chinatown.
(動詞described和pointed out意義相似,但與動詞stressed意思不同。為了保持原意,仍然要用兩個不同的動詞。)

(2)利用對等連接詞(coordinating conjunction)和帶有連接詞作用的副詞(conjunctive adverb),把意義相近的獨立句,連接起來,成為com-pound sentence。
常用的對等連接詞如:but , or , so , for , therefore , because , nor , either…or , neither…nor , yet 等。
帶有連接詞作用的副詞如:besides , furthermore , otherwise , consequently , accordingly , thus , notwithstanding , still , whereas 等。

John will go to a piano lesson.
Mary will stay home to baby sit her brother.
John will go to a piano lesson and Mary will stay home to baby sit her sister.

Rain had soaked the football field.
The game was rescheduled.
Rain had soaked the football field; therefore, the game was rescheduled.
(把上面兩句獨立句,用therefore或so連接,成為compound sentence。)

They were the last to leave the house.
No one remembered to lock the door.
They were the last to leave the house, but no one remembered to lock the door.
(把上面兩句獨立句,用but連接,成為compound sentence。)

Unlike his friends, Mr. Lee enjoys his sideline job.
He likes to work seven days a week.
Unlike his friends, Mr. Lee enjoys his sideline job; be-cause he likes to work seven days a week.
(上面兩句用because或therefore連接,成為com-pound sentence。當然,用不同的連詞,就有不同的意思。)

John will not attend the meeting.
Bill will not go to the movie.
John will not attend the meeting, nor will Bill go to the movie.
(用nor連接時,要把主詞Bill放在助動詞will的後面。不說:nor Bill will go…)

Bob lost his history notes.
He had to spend the entire Sunday copying his girl-friend\'s work.
Bob lost his history notes; consequently, he had to spend the entire Sunday copying his girlfriend\'s work.

My wife felt strongly about the need for a trip to California.
We held one two years ago.
My wife felt strongly about the need for a trip to California; accordingly, we held one two years ago.
(以上兩句,用accordingly連接成為compound sentence。)

I made other plans for tonight.
I have already seen that movie.
I made other plans for tonight; besides, I have already seen that movie.

(3)在獨立句中,加上附屬字眼(subordinating words)或關係代名詞(relative pronoun),使其變成附屬子句;再與主要子句連接,成為複合句(complex sentence)。

最常用的附屬字眼如:if , as if , as though , because ,since , as , so that , unless , although , while , whenever , after , before 等。
主要關係代名詞如:which , who , whose , whom , that等。

My wife served the dishes.
I entertained the guests.
My wife served the dishes, while I entertained the guests.
(while I entertained the guests成為附屬子句,全句就是複合句,served 和 entertained兩個動作,幾乎同時發生。)

John received a package in the mail.
He opened it quickly.
When John received a package in the mail, he opened it quickly.
(When John……是附屬子句;he opened……是獨立子句。)

The room was very quiet.
I still could not concentrate on my work.
Although the room was very quiet, I still could not concentrate on my work.
(用although或even though或though,變成附屬句。通常較不重要的,成為附屬句。)

You are in doubt about your income tax.
You may visit the IRS staff for help.
When(you are)in doubt about your income tax ,(you may)visit……
(如果主要子句和附屬句主詞相同,那麼附屬句中的verb to be可省去:When in doubt about……)

Vitamin C tablets may reduce your chance of getting a cold.
They are taken regularly.
Vitamin C tablets, if(they are)taken regularly, may reduce your chance of getting a cold.
(在附屬句裡,they是指tablets,因兩句主詞相同,可省去they are。"if taken regularly"雖可放在句尾,或句首,但放在句中較好,表示分量較輕。)

The murderer admitted his guilt.
The innocent man was killed.
After the innocent man killed, the murderer admitted his guilt.
(附屬句after the innocent……放在句首,表示分量較重;放在句尾,表示分量輕;放在句中不好。)

Suppose there are no hamburgers.
Suppose there are no hot dogs.
Can a picnic really be fun?
The picnic is on this Saturday.
In case there are no hamburgers and hot dogs, can this Saturday picnic really be fun?
(在附屬句中,可用in case,或if,或in the event that,意思大致相同。)

More colleges are creating loan plans to aid students from middle-income families.
Middle-income families are not rich enough to pay rising college costs.
Middle-income families are not poor enough to qualify for assistance.
Even though more colleges are creating loan plans to aid students from middle-income families,(yet)they are either not rich enough to pay rising college costs or not poor enough to qualify for assistance.
(加上even though,變成附屬句;主要子句裡用either……or連接。句首的yet也可省去。)

Many Chinese officials took bribes from citizens.
They misused the public trust.
Many Chinese officials, who took bribes from citizens, misused the public trust.
(who took bribes from citizens是附屬句,當形容詞,修飾officials。加comma表示多數官員。)

The man will head the trade delegation.
We met him last week.
The man whom we met last week will head the trade delegation.
(whom we met last week就是附屬句,當形容詞,修飾man;因為whom是動詞met的受詞,故用受格。)

The idea still catches on.
Mr. Wang approved of the idea.
(王先生同意這種想法。)(approved of=agreed)
The idea which Mr. Wang approved of still catches on.
The idea which Mr. Wang approved still catches on.)

The project turned out successfully.
He worked on the project for months.
The project on which he worked for months turned out successfully.
(on which he worked for months是附屬句,當形容詞,修飾project。on放在which前,要比放在worked後面好。)

The customer left this morning.
His coat had been stolen.
The customer whose coat had been stolen left this morning.
(whose coat had been stolen是附屬句,修飾customer。)


Mr. A used to teach (at the) high school.
He is our new professor.
Mr. A, our new professor, used to teach (at the) high school.
(new professor就是解釋Mr. A。)
(teach high school是指教高中的程度;而teach at the high school是指在某一高中教書。)

Many students in the school play basketball.
Basketball is a popular sport in China.
Many students in the school play basketball, a popular sport in China.
Many students in the school play basketball which (that) is a popular sport in China.

Some African-American leaders viewed equal opportunity as the most important civil right issue.
They are especially the more conservative.
Some African-American leaders, especially the more conservative, viewed equal opportunity as the most important civil right issue.
(有時appositives可用namely, in other words, for example, including, especially, particularly, notably, mainly來引導句子。)

Her school has denied a speaking permit to Mr. Lee.
He is an outspoken politician.
Her school has denied a speaking permit to Mr. Lee, an outspoken politician.
或Mr. Lee, an outspoken politician, has been denied a speaking permit by her school.
或A speaking permit to Mr. Lee, an outspoken politician, has been denied by her school.
或An outspoken politician, Mr. Lee has been denied a speaking permit by her school.
(同位語應靠近要解釋的名詞或代名詞;如上句an outspoken politician 放在靠近Mr. Lee。)
同位語是用comma, dash或colon分開。
My daughter bought a beautiful vase for her best friend, her mother.

(5)使用介系詞或介詞片語(preposition or prepositional phrase),把句子連接起來。
A dog barked at me as I walked across the street.
The dog was in my neighbor\'s yard.
A dog in my neighbor\'s yard barked at me as I walked across the street.
(in my neighbor\'s yard 是介詞片語,修飾主詞dog)

The schedule of the secretarial pool was crowded.
No one could type this article right away.
Because of a crowded schedule of the secretarial pool, no one could type this article right away.
(也可用介詞片語due to,或on account of,修飾主詞one。)

Snakes have a fearful look.
They are not really dangerous if you leave them alone.
Despite their fearful look, snakes are not really dangerous if you leave them alone.
(也可用in spite of的介詞片語,修飾snakes)

He complied with the local law.
He paid $100 fine because he drank beer in a public street.
In compliance with the local law, he paid $100 fine for drinking beer in a public street.
(也可用according to,under或within。)

Many Chinese believe that all Americans are wealthy.
There are millions of Americans still in poverty.
Contrary to much Chinese belief that all Americans are wealthy, there are millions of Americans still in poverty.
(belief不用複數,表示one same belief。)

You may blow up the gym ball.
You may use a foot pump.
Or you can do it by mouth.
But do it outside of this room.
By means of a foot pump or by mouth, you may blow up the gym ball outside of this room.
其他的介詞片語還有:rather than,in the absence of,in addition to,aside from,except for等。

(6)利用現在分詞片語(present participial phrase)。也就是在動詞原式後加ing,當形容詞,修飾最靠近的主詞,並且帶有主動的味道,表示一個動作與另一個動作,幾乎同時發生。

Mrs. Wang sat on the porch.
She watched the sunrise.
Sitting on the porch, Mrs. Wang watched the sunrise.
(sitting on the porch是現在分詞片語,修飾Mrs. Wang;這時sat與watched兩個動作,幾乎同時發生。)
Watching the sunrise, Mrs. Wang sat on the porch.
(verb to be多半可變成現在分詞。其他動詞,則視情況是否合理而定。)

His wife came to the dinner party.
She was wearing her new dress.
Wearing her new dress, his wife came to the dinner party.
或 His wife, wearing her new dress, came to……
或Going to the dinner party, his wife wore her new dress.

The dog was barking angrily.
The dog raced after the car.
Barking angrily, the dog raced after the car.
或 Racing after the car, the dog was barking angrily.

The theater closed for good.
The theater had shown the last movie.
Having shown the last movie, the theater closed for good.
(had shown的動作,比closed動作早,故用完成式的現在分詞片語。)

He went from door to door.
He reminded people to vote.
Reminding people to vote, he went from door to door.
或 Going from door to door, he reminded people to vote.

He thought that the envelope was empty.
He threw it away.
Thinking that the envelope was empty, he threw it away.

The newspaper printed his letter.
It gave both sides of the argument.
The newspaper printed his letter, giving both sides of the argument.
(it是指letter;所以片語要修飾letter,不是修飾newspaper。不能說成:Giving both sides of…,the newspaper printed his letter.)

He was climbing the ladder.
He struck his head on the ceiling.
Climbing the ladder, he struck his head on the ceiling.
Climbing the ladder, his head struck…
Striking his head on…, he climbed…

Mr. Hsu was born in Taiwan.
He now serves as a computer designer.
He was educated at Stanford University.
Serving as a computer designer, Mr. Hsu was born in Taiwan and educated at Stanford University.
或 Mr. Hsu, serving as…, was born in…

Mr. Chen expects a letter from his girlfriend.
He constantly checks his mailbox.
Expecting a letter from his girlfriend, Mr. Chen constantly checks his mailbox.
或Checking constantly his mailbox, Mr. Chen expects a letter from his girlfriend.
或Mr. Chen, expecting a letter…, constantly checks his mailbox.
或Mr. Chen, checking constantly…, expects a letter from...(片語都靠近主詞Mr. Chen)

(7)使用過去分詞片語(past participial phrase),也就是動詞後面有ed,en,或n,以及不規則動詞。有「被動」的味道。其動作可能與另一動作同時發生或更早發生。

Mr. A gave the speech.(A先生演講。)
He was cheered by the audience.(他受聽眾歡呼。)
Cheered by the audience, Mr. A gave the speech.(把第二句的 He was 刪去)
或Mr. A, cheered by…, gave the speech.
(cheered by the audience是過去分詞片語,當形容詞,修飾主詞Mr. A)
(如果把片語放在句尾也不好,因為與主詞Mr. A相距太遠。這與現在分詞片語的原則相同。)

The ship was badly damaged by the storm.
The ship finally reached a safe harbor.
Badly damaged by the storm, the ship finally reached a safe harbor.
(Badly damaged by the storm 修飾主詞 the ship)
或The ship, badly damaged…, finally reached a safe harbor.

The gift was wrapped in red paper.
Miss Chen accepted the gift.
Miss Chen accepted the gift wrapped in red paper.
(可見句中的verb to be,都可刪去,變成過去分詞片語。wrapped in red paper是修飾gift,故不能放在句首,否則變成修飾Miss Chen,就不合理了。)

Her daughter has been discouraged by her poor grades.
She does not want to go to school.
Discouraged by her poor grades, her daughter does not want to go to school.
或Her daughter, discouraged by…, does not…

The swimming pool is operated by YMCA.
It is open only to its members.
Operated by YMCA, the pool is open only to its members.(修飾pool)
或The pool, operated by…, is open…

The shirt was spattered with red paint.
It could not be worn.
Spattered with red paint, the shirt could not be worn.
或The shirt, spattered with…, could not…
Spattered with…, I could not wear the shirt.

John\'s hat was chewed to pieces by the dog.
John could not wear his hat.
Chewed to pieces by the dog, John\'s hat could not be worn.
或John\'s hat, chewed to pieces…, could not…
Chewed to pieces…, John could not wear his hat.

(8)使用動名詞(gerund)和不定詞(infinitive),做為名詞的代替,(noun substitutes)。

The dog howled and whined at night.
This made our neighbors upset.
The dog\'s howling and whining at night made our neighbors upset.
(把動詞原式 howl 和 whine,加ing,當名詞用。)
For the dog, to howl and to whine at night made our neighbors upset.

Many people treat illness through the mind.
This seems to be a modern way in medicine.
Treating illness through the mind seems to be a modern way in medicine.
(treating 是動名詞)
或To treat illness through the mind seems to be…
(to treat 是不定詞,當主詞)

Some people believe Japan did not kill 35 million Chinese people.
They ignore the true history of World War Ⅱ.
To believe that Japan did not kill 35 million Chinese people is to ignore the true history of World War Ⅱ.
(使用不定詞 to believe, to ignore 作為名詞)
或Believing that Japan did not…is ignoring the true history…
(Believing 和 ignoring 都是動名詞)

Mr. Li bought a beautiful house.
He wanted to impress his friends and relatives.
Mr. Li bought a beautiful house to impress his friends and relatives.
或To impress his friends and relatives, Mr. Li bought a beautiful house.
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