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Losing weight is not easy
来源:英文写作网     2007-6-18 16:12:00
   Tomorrow i did not insist on writing. i was sleeping by nightfall. i heard that baobao played computer game with Tim wenn i was awake. Oh, i remeber i went to sleep so early because of mama\' phone call. i was upset about her words.

I was wakend by Baobao and his brother\'s noisy laughter. Then i decided to finish my assignment. Recite english text every night. i have recited a majority of the LaiShiXiong\'s first english book. Afterwards i reviewed the german book which i have found from cellar. I need start from scratch. verbal inflection, fixed phrase, etc.

I was very hungry. Therefore i just have lunch and some ice cream bars daylong. i am losing weight and weighed alrealy two kilos less than i used to. i did not intend to eat anything. But Baobao kept on advise me and tempted me with the delicious chicken food in the fridge. i had to surrender. Baobao was so nice, so nice. He heated the food with microwave oven and brought me to the bed. I had a really big supper. And lose weight? It always is tomorrow things.

In these days i hear the song ONE and 911 of Mary.J.Blige over and over again. They are so awesome and touch my heart. I love her voice so much.
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