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五大提神法宝 让你神清气爽每一天
来源:国日报网站英语点津     2006-5-12 15:23:00

Do you plod through the day at the office? Are you so tired by the afternoon that exercise is the last thing on your mind? Do you flop into bed at night and roll out of it exhausted in the morning? Your problem might simply be that you have low energy levels, and if so, there are quick and easy natural remedies to give you the boost you need.

Stress is the main culprit of a low-energy day. If, for example, you are stuck in a traffic jam on your way to work and you let negative thoughts and rage raise your stress level, your body will release enough adrenalin and insulin to keep you running flat out for over a kilometre.

If this energy is left unused, the adrenalin will continue coursing through your veins, diverting energy away from vital bodily functions. This will leave you feeling tired and even slightly depressed for the rest of the day.

Five Instant energy boosters:

1.Start the day off with a steaming cup of water and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. This will not only refresh and revitalise you, but will cleanse your palate and will boost your liver function.

2.Feast on this energy-packed smoothie for breakfast: blend one banana, one mango, half a medium sized pineapple, a tablespoon of rolled oats and 150ml milk or a small cup of plain, low-fat yoghurt.

3.Keep a bottle of water or a rehydrating freshener on your desk at work. Use it to freshen you up during the long day.

4.Burn peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil in an oil burner or spill a few drops onto a tissue and inhale. This will stimulate the trigeminal nerve in your nose and palate, which will in turn boost your energy levels.

5.Feeling sluggish? Try this quick acupressure technique on yourself: pinch the point between your thumb and forefinger and hold for two minutes then gradually release.
atural ways to boost your energy

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